Civil society capacity building

The major area of intervention in the Civil Society Capacity Building sector is focused on strengthening and building the capacities of local civil society organizations – CSOs – towards more proactive participation in poverty alleviation, in terms of organizational behavior and system building and enhancing their effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability towards poverty alleviation.

In 2016-2107 IRPAL aims to capitalize on the built system, gained experience and success in the field of civil society capacity building through targeting particularly the youth-based CSOs – YCSOs–, strengthening their capacities and enhancing their role in rights fulfilment and social and economic empowerment for poor and marginalized people in the Gaza Strip with income generation initiatives such as reviving credit funds, coupled with short-term direct employment of youth following a market-led training. This intervention aims to achieve the result of “enhanced role of youth organizations towards social and economic empowerment”.

IRPAL will intensify the targeting and partnering with youth-based CSOs around the following outcomes:

  • Improving YCSOs – capacities to fulfill their mandates in providing social protection and welfare services.
  • Improving YCSOs capacity in achieving social transformation and empowerment focusing on rights/obligations-based approach and 21st century life-skills coaching.
  • Improving YCSOs capacity in sustainable livelihoods approaches.

The product of all these efforts will be a well cultured, self-confident and socially empowered male and female youth of real positive behavioral attitude in terms of rights, obligations, life skills, positive values as well attitude towards productivity and sustainable livelihoods.