Congratulations on the occasion of Eid Al-Fitr Congratulations on the occasion of Eid Al-Fitrrjnena2016-10-19T12:06:58+02:00
Islamic Relief Palestine concludes its annual Ramadan activities Islamic Relief Palestine concludes its annual Ramadan activitiesrjnena2016-10-19T12:06:58+02:00
Islamic Relief has started distributing Eid gifts for the sponsored children Islamic Relief has started distributing Eid gifts for the sponsored childrenrjnena2016-10-19T12:06:58+02:00
Starting the implementation of Ramadan Project for 5932 beneficiaries in the Gaza Strip Starting the implementation of Ramadan Project for 5932 beneficiaries in the Gaza Striprjnena2016-10-19T12:06:58+02:00
100 families gathered on Islamic Relief table in Ramadan 100 families gathered on Islamic Relief table in Ramadanrjnena2016-10-19T12:06:58+02:00
Islamic Relief Celebrates World Environment Day Islamic Relief Celebrates World Environment Dayrjnena2016-10-19T12:06:58+02:00
Islamic Relief Launches Activities of Gradueneur “The first TVET boot camp in Palestine” Islamic Relief Launches Activities of Gradueneur “The first TVET boot camp in Palestine”rjnena2018-05-07T14:56:10+02:00
Islamic Relief Palestine Celebrating Child Day Islamic Relief Palestine Celebrating Child Dayrjnena2016-10-19T12:06:59+02:00