News and Activities2016-10-19T12:06:56+02:00

Islamic Relief launches the project “Educational Support for Orphans and Vulnerable Children in the Gaza Strip”

Islamic Relief  launches the project “Educational Support for Orphans and Vulnerable Children in the Gaza Strip” The project “Educational Support for orphans and poor children in the Gaza Strip” was launched in in partnership with the Society of Women Graduate with funds from Islamic Relief - Switzerland The project involves 400 students at the secondary level, grades tenth, eleventh

November 14th, 2016|Categories: Activities, Education & Child Protection, News|

Islamic Relief holds a scientific conference to improve the quality of education in kindergartens in the Gaza Strip

Islamic Relief holds a scientific conference to improve the quality of education in kindergartens in the Gaza Strip   Islamic Relief Palestine held a conference entitled "The importance of improving  quality of education in kindergartens" Thursday 27/10/2016 with broad participation from the Ministry of Education and a group of international institutions and civil society organizations working in

November 7th, 2016|Categories: Activities, Education & Child Protection, News, Orphans Welfare|

Building two new schools

Building two new schools  The Islamic Relief Palestine started carrying out the project of construction, and finishing SUAD MOHAMMED ALSABAH school, and LULUA ABDULWAHAB ALQATAMY school, Funding by the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development, and managed by the IDP in Jeddah within the project of building, and finishing new five governmental school in Gaza Strip. The project covers

October 31st, 2016|Categories: Activities, Disaster Preparedness and Response, News|

Islamic Relief Opens Innovation club in 22 public schools in the Gaza Strip

Islamic Relief Opens Innovation club in 22 public schools in the Gaza Strip  Islamic Relief Palestine launched “Innovation clubs” in 22 public schools in the Gaza Strip within the project "Enhancing education quality through science and technology Innovation clubs " in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, and with funding from Reach Out to  Asia (ROTA) and Rahmatn lill Alamean

October 6th, 2016|Categories: Activities, Education & Child Protection, News|

Islamic Relief – Palestine started implementing safety net project (Cash Assistance) in Gaza Strip

Islamic Relief – Palestine started implementing safety net project (Cash Assistance) in Gaza Strip, funded by Islamic Relief – Canada. Islamic Relief – Palestine started implementing safety net project (Cash Assistance) in all governorates of Gaza Strip. The project aims to improving the difficult living circumstances which most Palestinian families encounter. More than 2000 people (300 families) were chosen

October 3rd, 2016|Categories: Activities, News, Social Safety Net for the most vulnerable groups|

40 pilot Kindergartens receive new curriculum packages

40 pilot Kindergartens receive new curriculum packages Islamic Relief Palestine ends the distribution of the new curriculum packages for 40 pilot kindergartens in Gaza strip. This achievement is part of a project which aims to improving the preschool education access and quality, funded by the Islamic Relief Germany and implemented by Islamic Relief Palestine. Razan is a teacher at

October 3rd, 2016|Categories: Education & Child Protection, News, Orphans Welfare|
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