News and Activities2016-10-19T12:06:56+02:00

Starting the implementation of Ramadan Project for 6721 families in Palestine / Gaza Strip

Islamic Relief Palestine had started implementing the project for Ramadan 1438H - 2017. The project aims to provide families, who are suffering from poverty, tough living condition, in addition to food insecurity, with basic food needs for the holy month. This activity will help the families challenge their unbearable daily conditions. The main activity of Ramadan is the distribution of

June 13th, 2017|Categories: Activities, Food Security, News, Seasonal|

Islamic Relief Organizes Environmental Bus tour for Media Activists

Islamic Relief Organizes Environmental Bus tour for Media Activists Islamic Relief organized an environmental bus tour entitled “Blue Route” in cooperation with Palestinian Water Authority. More than 20 media activists on social media participated in this tour. Tamer Al Zuhri, WASH coordinator at IRPAL, said that the main goal of the bus tour is to highlight the water crisis in

May 9th, 2017|Categories: News, WASH|

Islamic Relief Continues alleviating the Suffering of the Families

Islamic Relief Continues alleviating the Suffering of the Families Islamic Relief- Palestine (IRPAL) is implementing a Winter Gaza Appeal Project funded by Islamic Relief Worldwide in order to protect the poorest and most vulnerable families during winter, and to reinforce their steadfastness in the face of natural catastrophes. Eng. Tareq Rayyan, Project Coordinator, explained that “75 households i.e around 500

May 8th, 2017|Categories: News, Social Safety Net for the most vulnerable groups|

Gaza TVET Institutions Celebrate the 2017 TVET Week

Implemented under the theme of “TVET Now!” Gaza TVET Institutions Celebrate the 2017 TVET Week The Ministry of Labour, Ministry of Education and Higher Education, the Local Employment Council (LETC) in Gaza, and fifteen Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions have launched the 2017 “TVET Week in Gaza” under the theme of “TVET Now!” The “TVET Week in

May 3rd, 2017|Categories: Activities, EYE, News|

A Study Sheds Light on Poor Families in the Gaza Strip by Islamic Relief

A Study Sheds Light on Poor Families in the Gaza Strip by Islamic Relief Islamic Relief- Palestine publishes a new study entitled “Poor Families in Focus- Gaza Strip” in a celebration with the attendance of social, humanitarian as well as international organizations working in the Gaza Strip. The director of Islamic Relief- Palestine field office (IRPAL), Eng. Muneeb Abu Ghazaleh,

May 3rd, 2017|Categories: News, Social Safety Net for the most vulnerable groups|

Islamic Relief continues sharing love and hope among orphaned children in the Gaza Strip

Islamic Relief – Gaza continues  sharing love and hope among orphaned children in the Gaza Strip In the occasion of Arab Orphan’s day, Islamic Relief accompanies 260 children to nice places and implements several activities Children enjoyed the day, they played different games and participated in contests that ended up with all of them winners. At the end of the

April 10th, 2017|Categories: Activities, News, Uncategorized|
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