
October 2018

Community Vulnerability Mapping study

During 2017- 2018, IRPAL conducted comprehensive study about mapping communities’ vulnerabilities in the Gaza Strip in coordination with 25 municipalities, and 17 local CSOs. The study has addressed the communities’ vulnerabilities in terms of lack

March 2018

Islamic Relief Palestine Strategy 2017-2021  

  Islamic Relief Palestine Strategy 2017-2021 Guided by Islamic values of Social justice (Adl), Sincerity (Ikhlas), Excellence (Ihsan), Compassion (Rahma) and Custodianship (Amana), our main mission is to empower the local community to be  prepared

August 2017

Poor Families in Focus

Poor Families in Focus, is based on a study carried out in partnership with local development associations, women’s groups and farmers’ co-operatives. Involving 3,342 families identified as living below the poverty line, the report identifies

March 2017

“Protection Mainstreaming” manual

 Islamic Relief Palestine has finalized the production of “Protection Mainstreaming” manual focusing on WASH interventions, which has been designed and produced through fruitful efforts of IRPAL in cooperation with WASH cluster, protection cluster, and

May 2016

Stakeholders’ Workshop Report

Islamic Relief Palestine (IRPAL), in partnership with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), is responsible for the implementation of a new TVET/LM project entitled “Enhancing Youth Employability in the

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