Tender No. 25.2016 The Audit for Islamic relief – Palestine (Gaza office) for the year 2016
Tender No. 25.2016 The Audit for Islamic relief – Palestine (Gaza office) for the year
Local Short Term Trainer (LSTT) to conduct short training courses within ICT Centre of Competence (CoC)- Web Development
Quotation No. 70.2016 Local Short Term Trainer (LSTT) to conduct short training courses within ICT
Local Short Term Trainer (LSTT) to conduct short training courses within ICT Centre of Competence (CoC)- Mobile Applications
Quotation No. 69.2016 Local Short Term Trainer (LSTT) to conduct short training courses within ICT
Local Short Term Trainer (LSTT) to conduct short training courses within ICT Centre of Competence (CoC)- Graphic Design
Quotation No. 68.2016 Local Short Term Trainer (LSTT) to conduct short training courses within ICT
Local expert or consultant in strategic plan, operational & systems manuals
Quotation No. 39.2016 Consultancy Services for Strategic plan, Operational & System manuals for Local