Islamic Relief honors excellent high school graduates of the students sponsored by Orphans Welfare Program

Islamic Relief has hold a ceremony to honor 30 excellent students of high school graduates sponsored by  Orphans Welfare Program.  The celebration was remarked by honoring the mother of these students as a recognition for their efforts attributing their children’s success to the great role that play until they reach this far. The ceremony was preceded by a training workshop for the excellent students on career guidance and drawing career path. Students participating in the workshop expressed their happiness to participate and the great advantage they have achieved, where still many of them are not able to determine the best path and specialization for their future career. At the same time, mothers participated in psycho- social support meeting.

In her speech during the celebration, the first student Hala Khalifa who got 97.9% expressed her great joy for participating  in the ceremony and thanked Islamic Relief for the continued support along her educational years and demanded Islamic Relief to continue supporting her and other students like her  until they finish their education. Nabila mousa, mother of the student Nawras Mousa who got 97.4% also thanked Islamic Relief for standing by her side along the way to raise her children and their education, she said in her speech, “we note imprint Islamic Relief apparent everywhere and in every turn, in hospitals, in schools and in universities, we always find you by our side, we kindly ask Islamic relief to adopt a number of talented orphans and cover their education needs or to make a grants program for excellent orphans.

The celebration was hosted by the European Academy for Culture and Training as a contribution to the honoring of mother and excellent students and it was concluded by distribution of certificates honoring certificates and gifts.