The TVET Council in Gaza has implemented summer vocational camps supported by Islamic Relief Palestine within “Improving Youth Employment Project”. The project aims at promoting vocational and technical education and training, encouraging students to enroll in vocational schools and technical training centers.
550 of tenth grade students participated in the vocational training camps distributed in seven vocational camps all around the Gaza Strip working on more than 20 different professions. Summer camps also included sports and life skills trainings.
Summer camps focused on providing students with basic skills and information on different professions in a practical way to help them to be creative, interactive and innovative that enabled them to produce their own products. The training also provided information on vocational training providers, labor market opportunities and private sector.
Professions varied between graphic design, painting, food processing, carpentry, mobile applications, media production, makeup art, skin care, sewing, embroidery and electricity.
The camps were remarkable for integrating students with hearing impairment. A number of them participated in graphic design and makeup art, in order to achieve real inclusion to youth of all groups in the trainings.