Ali Al-Dawabhah, 8 years old, With great joy says: “so far, I have not broken any fasting days, the Eid clothes that I got today is a reward for me because I am fasting this year.”

“Thank God, Islamic Relief told my mother that I have Eid clothes,” he said. “I thought that I will weal an old clothes. I could buy a t-shirt and a trouser that I will wear in this Eid and go to play with the children of our neighborhood, and I will also visit my relatives with my new clothes along with my mother.”

“I am very happy of these clothes, my sister also got clothes like me, I like to always wear new clothes together,” he said.Ali lives in difficult economic conditions after the death of his father, where he and his seven brothers live together with their mother in a family home. His mother says, “I hope to find someone who helps me build up a flat above the house we live in. My kids are growing up and living in one room is no longer wide to live in.

“Islamic relief always helps me. Thank God, they brought my paralyzed daughter, Marah, a wheelchair that helped her to move.”She also says: “Eid clothes that Islamic Relief provides to us every year saves us a lot of expenses. They grant two of my children clothes, thanks Allah.” “The sponsorship that I get from Islamic Relief helps me provide my family’s basic needs, thank God I need continuous treatments for two of my children and I don’t know how our conditions would be without getting aids from Islamic Relief.

“We did not get Eid clothes to my children from any party. Islamic Relief is the only institution that reminded us of this Eid, thank God that you secured Eid clothes for my children to feel joyful in the Eid.” “The prices here are very good and very suitable for us, and I also found everything we wanted easily. The goods are varied and the clothes are many, given us an opportunity to choose.” Islamic Relief Palestine has provided Eid clothes to a number of the children who are sponsored with generous funding from Islamic Relief- Germany. The Islamic Relief team has taken a set of preventive measures for Corona virus in order to ensure the safety of the beneficiaries.