More than 120,000 people received Qurbani meat during Eid Ul Adha in 2019
Islamic Relief Palestine concluded distributing fresh meat for more than 120,000 people of about 21,500 families from the different governorates of the Gaza Strip during Eid Ul Adha for the current season 1440 – 2019.
Islamic Relief is keen to reach the poorest and most vulnerable families in all areas and refugee camps providing a quantity of meat sufficient for all family members. To do this, Islamic Relief relies on coordination and networking with a number of active civil society humanitarian and relief organizations.
” We are very grateful for every and any contribution to this project’s success, especially our partners, supporters, local institutions and staff. We confirm that fresh meat has reached the beneficiary families in high quality and in the right time. Many of them haven’t tasted meat for long months.” Says Rami Mahani, Humanitarian Program Manager, Islamic Relief Palestine.